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Netherlands crowdfunding market overview: TOP platforms you need to know


24 april 2024

The crowdfunding industry is very well developed in the Netherlands so if you looking for new countries to invest you have to check the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, you will find all the main crowdfunding models to invest in and also platforms with very unique business models.

Best Equity Crowdfunding Platforms in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, there are few but very strong players in Equity crowdfunding players. WeFunder is one of the biggest Equity crowdfunding platforms in the world incorporated in the United States but has obtained a Europen Crowdfunding license in the Netherlands and now allows Europeans to invest in startups and startups to raise funding. 

Another big player is NPEX which not only offers to invest in currently run Equity crowdfunding campaigns but also sell your stake in previously invested companies or buy shares in earlier launched campaigns, basically, they work as a stock exchange for SMEs. 

If you want to invest in Startups based in the Netherlands you should also check CrowdAboutNow which is one of the first crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands and offers both Equity crowdfunding and Crowdlending which ensures a wider offering. 

Learn more about Equity crowdfunding here

Real estate crowdfunding platform in the Netherlands

You can start investing in the Netherlands real estate starting with a few 100 EURs with Real estate crowdfunding platforms. 

Benkey is a Real estate crowdfunding platform that allows people to invest in real estate in the Netherlands and till today investors have invested more than 900 MEUR in real estate. 

Collin Crowdfund is another big player in Netherlands real estate crowdfunding through which was financed 2200 real estate campaigns. 

CrowdRealEstate has also provided a wide range of investments in properties in the Netherlands and around 7000 investors have made investments via this platform.

In addition to big players, I want to mention platforms with great business models. Thuisborg buys homes and rents them back directly to the seller. In this way, the seller regains access to the assets that were previously tied up in the house. In my opinion, this is a great way to make your retirement more interesting. 

Real estate crowdfunding offers the best way to invest in property starting with little capital. 

Learn more about Real estate crowdfunding here

Best crowdlending platforms in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands operates many great crowdlending platforms that allow people to invest in loans issued to businesses. 

The top players and must-review platforms are Geldvoorelkaar through which investors invested around 400 MEUR in SEMs. Lendahand is another great crowdlending platform focusing on social projects. Investors have provided more than 170 MEUR for projects that allow people around the world to build their businesses and substantially change their lives, simultaneously providing investors with great returns.

Via Lender Spender investors have earned more than 10 MEURs by investing in retail loans. Another great thing about Lender Spender is that you invest not in a single loan but in a loan portfolio which allows you to diversify risk. 

We would like to point out a few more great platforms.  Duurzaam Investeren is the largest Dutch investment platform for sustainable projects and the growth of sustainable companies. If you want to explore a more sustainable platform in the Netherlands you can check Windcentrale and Oneplanetcrowd

Weforsea is a crowdlending platform specializing in project financing ships so if you love the sea and understand how maritime works you should check this platform. 

Horecacrowdfunding offering people to invest in catering businesses till the end of 2023 they have provided funding of more than 60 MEUR. 

Learn more about crowd-lending here

Best Reward crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands  /Best donation crowdfunding platforms in the Netherlands 

Donation and Reward are not just fun, you can substantially improve the environment where you live by mobilizing the community, supporting people in need, and supporting great ideas!

Geef has helped people to raise 30 MEUR for social projects in the form of donations from 15 thousand people. 

If you love sports and want to support great sportsmen visit Sports Funder and Crowdfunding for Clubs

Voor je Buurt helps provide funding for projects that make neighborhoods more beautiful, more social, and greener.

Don’t miss out on amazing investment opportunities follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook and learn more about crowdfunding on 

We wish you a good day and successful investing!
