Platforma crowdfundingowa


Jeszcze nie oceniany, oceń jako pierwszy!

We have funded more than 5000 businesses investing over EUR 100 million in their development. We have also advised more than 100 companies in business valuation, finance attraction and sales transactions. While for investors we offer a wide range of lending opportunities in businesses, including debt and equity investments as well as financial instruments.

Podstawowe informacje

512 inwestorzy
5000 finansowane projekty
100000000,0 EUR finansowana kwota

Licencja/regulacja: Capitalia licensed under European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) regulation

Dla inwestorów

Minium investement: 1000 EUR
Dostawca płatności: Lemonway

Ta platforma nie ma jeszcze oceny. Oceń jako pierwszy!

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