Crowdfunding platform

Abundance Investment

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Abundance Investment is a UK-based crowdfunding platform that allows retail investors to participate in green and social impact projects. It was the first regulated investment crowdfunding platform in the UK, pioneering accessibility for investors looking to make a positive environmental impact. Through small debenture investments, Abundance channels funds into projects with measurable social and environmental benefits, focusing on long-term sustainability. Investors can monitor project performance and returns via the platform, which is designed to support transparency

Basic information

56 projects funded
139100000.0 GBP funded amount

For Investors

Minium investement: 5 GBP
Secondary market: Yes

Useful Information

Investment Types on Abundance

Abundance provides two main types of investments:

  • Debentures: Investors can fund renewable energy and infrastructure projects through fixed or variable-return debentures, often structured over long periods.
  • Equity Investments: Occasionally offered for specific impact projects, allowing investors to gain ownership in companies focused on sustainable development and green innovation

Risks of Investing on Abundance

Investments through Abundance carry typical crowdfunding risks, including potential capital loss, illiquidity, and project-specific risks. Returns are tied to the performance of the underlying projects, particularly in renewable energy, where production levels can fluctuate. While the secondary market provides some liquidity, sales are not guaranteed. The platform advises investors to hold their investments for the full term and thoroughly review individual project risks before committing capital​

How Does Abundance Work?

Abundance offers debentures that provide investors with fixed or variable returns based on project performance. Investments are generally aligned with renewable energy outputs, where investors benefit from revenue generated by clean energy production. The platform includes a secondary market where investors can attempt to sell their investments prior to maturity, though liquidity is limited. Abundance also provides an Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) option, allowing UK investors to receive returns tax-free within the ISA structure


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