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Lithuanian crowdfunding market overview: TOP platforms you need to know


June 6, 2024

In Lithuania operates 10+ crowdfunding platforms that offer a wide variety of investment opportunities for investors. 

Best Real estate crowdfunding platform in Lithuania

Real estate crowdfunding is very well-developed in Lithuania and offering you to invest in different types of properties. 

Profitus offers to invest in small real estate projects from Lithuania with a maturity 9-12 months and an average interest rate of around 12 % and almost 177 MEUR are successfully invested. 

Let’s invest focus on bigger projects not only from Lithuania but from other European countries e.g. Portugal, Spain, etc. Let’s invest offering investors average annual returns of around 10%. 

With 105 MEUR invested, Rontgen is one of the biggest real estate crowdfunding platforms in Lithuania. 

You should definitely explore InRento buy-to-let real estate crowdfunding platform that allows you to buy shares in residential rental properties and make great returns, average returns are 13.24%.

Nordstreet is trusted by more than 5000 investors who have invested in real estate projects around 50 MEUR and made average returns 12+%. 

Learn more about Real estate crowdfunding here

Best Peer to peer marketplace platforms and crowdlending platforms in Lithuania 

Peer-to-peer marketplace platforms are a type of crowdfunding where investors do not invest directly in loans but rather buy shares in already issued loans by non-bank lending companies.

Such a model can provide investors with a wider offering and the possibility for diversification, learn more here

So if you want to invest on peer-to-peer marketplace platforms you should check NEO Finance which allows you to create an investment strategy and automatically invest in loans based on your criteria and make around 14%+ p.a.

If you are a fan of traditional crowdleding you can explore these platforms.

Heavyfinance is a platform specializing in agriculture and using which you will be able to provide loans to farmers across Europe and make solid returns. 

Finbee Lithuania allows you to invest both in businesses and private loans provide more diversification possibilities and in 2022 average returns were 14.9% p.a. which is awesome. 

SAVY offers an even greater possibility besieged business and private loans allow you to invest in real estate-backed loans. 

Learn more about crowd-lending here

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We wish you a good day and successful investing!
