Crowdfunding platform


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The climate swarm platform is operated by ecoeco Crowd GmbH. ecoeco Crowd designs and organizes the financing of projects, especially in the field of renewable energies.

Ecoeco Crowd GmbH was founded in 2017. The managing director is Mr. Harald Lieberth. He has been working on renewable energy projects for over 20 years and has analyzed and financed many projects, particularly in the area of closed funds. He uses this knowledge when selecting projects for Klimaschwarm.

For Investors

Minium investement: 500 EUR

Useful Information

Why invest on Klimaschwarm?

Klimaschwarm offering you to invest in companies that have a positive impact on environment and  potentially can provide you great returns.

How does Klimaschwarm work?

With crowdfunding, many people come together to finance projects together - as a swarm - and to benefit from them together. Legally, in the case of the Klimaschwarm, this is regulated by subordinated loans (with qualified subordination). This means that a subordinated loan agreement is concluded between the project sponsors and the investors. The climate swarm platform only acts as an intermediary and does not have the funds at any time.

What is a risk when investing on Klimaschwarm Invest?

On Klimaschwarm you provide loans to the companies thus main risk is that the company will go bankrupt and you will lose your money. To evaluate these risks you need to evaluate the company's future and historical financial performance, the team's ability to successfully develop the business and the market where the company operates, whether is there a demand for a product, the level of competition, and so on. Those are a few risks, but they might differ for each business, therefore it is important that you will perform your own analysis.

What investments does Klimaschwarm offer?

With Klimaschwarm  you can invest renewable energy projects. 


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