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Swiss crowdfunding market overview: TOP platforms you need to know


May 9, 2024

In Switzerland operates 25+ crowdfunding platforms that offer a wide variety of investment opportunities for investors, from loans to private persons to equity investments in start-ups. 

Best Equity Crowdfunding Platforms in Switzerland

If you are looking for investment opportunities in Swiss startups you definitely have to check these platforms. 

Verve Ventures has a bit different operating model than most Equity Crowdfunding platforms, they focus on qualified investors that invest starting with 10 TEUR, but this allows them to help businesses to raise around 70 MEUR per year.

If you want to invest in start-ups from Switzerland and other countries you should check the platform GoBeyond Investing on which the start-ups raised 27 MEUR. 

If you are a fan of green energy you have to check Fortune Hydro.  Investment in Fortune Hydro is one of the most effective means by which an investor can put their money to work to fight climate change while earning a financial return. On Fortune Hydro you can buy shares in hydropower plans.

Learn more about Equity crowdfunding here

Best crowdlending platforms in Switzerland 

In Switzerland operates one of the largest crowdlending platforms in Europe that have issued billions in loans to private individuals and businesses. 

Let’s start with the platform CreditGate24 through which since 2015  +1 billion CFH of loans was issued to people and businesses providing investors with average returns of 7.31%.

Lend is another great platform that helps people and businesses get loans faster and easier than in banks thus 93 thousand private persons and businesses chose to get money from Lend and more than 370 million CHF was lent to people and businesses.

Lendora offers investors returns of up to 7.5% by investing in private loans in Switzerland. More than 14 thousand people have chosen Crowd4Cash to invest in loans, Neocredit offers to lend from CHF 100 to Swiss companies and benefit from a return of up to 12%.

And you can find many more great crowdlending platforms in Switzerland, like Funders, 3circlefunding, Cashare, Acredius, and Macleaer

Learn more about crowdlending here

Real estate crowdfunding platform in Switzerland 

Real Estate crowdfunding is very well developed in Switzerland and allows people to start building their real estate portfolio starting with a few hundred EUR.

Swisslending is the largest real estate crowdfunding platform focusing solely on real estate and helped to raise almost 250 MCHF for real estate projects. 

Imvesters offers people to buy a share in properties in excellent condition and ideally located in French-speaking Switzerland.Foxstone is a real estate crowdfunding platform, or participatory investment, that offers a turnkey service to invest in Swiss real estate from CHF 10,000.CrowdHouse is a Swiss real estate investment platform that offers investment opportunities in exclusive property.

And ofcourse if you looking to invest in real estate projects you can check Crowdlending platforms that offer investments in Swiss real estate, like CreditGate24, and Lend

Real estate crowdfunding offers the best way to invest in property starting with little capital. 

Learn more about Real estate crowdfunding here

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We wish you a good day and successful investing!
