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CrowdedHero: A New Investment & Fundraising Platform Has Started Operations in Latvia

After more than two years of development and over 300,000 EUR invested in the project, the new crowdfunding platform CrowdedHero is beginning operations in Latvia (in 2019).

CrowdedHero is a new solution that helps businesses attract capital and expertise for further development. It also provides everyone with the opportunity to become an investor in a business with promising growth potential. The growth and feasibility prospects of every company looking for investors on CrowdedHero are thoroughly evaluated by highly professional experts in the areas of finance and investments.

The founders of CrowdedHero note that until now fast-growing businesses in Latvia haven’t had access to equity crowdfunding, and the financial threshold for those who wanted to invest in growing businesses was too high. The CrowdedHero platform makes it possible for you to invest in established businesses and actively manage your investments.

“So far, the general public has only been able to invest in startups, which are often nothing but an idea, a logo and a prototype of their future product. CrowdedHero specialists do not simply evaluate companies by their concepts and the market potential behind those concepts. Our experts look at a company’s investment horizon, its dividend payment potential, its exit strategies and other important factors. This means that every project represented on the platform has been evaluated from the viewpoint of a professional investor,” explains Jānis Blaževičs, the CEO of CrowdedHero.

Everyone can become a CrowdedHero investor, provided their total investments via the platform amount to 100 euros or more. With an account on CrowdedHero, you will gain access to a broad range of projects looking to attract funds. All the projects present on the platform have been carefully selected by professionals after a thorough analysis of the financial and legal aspects of the business, as well as their growth potential.

“We think this is a great opportunity for businesses to jump-start a new growth stage. By joining the CrowdedHero community, companies will not only attract funds to actualise new projects or broaden their present markets. It is also an opportunity for businesses to obtain new knowledge and information from CrowdedHero experts in such areas as finance, marketing and corporate law. As a result, increasing their knowledge base will help business owners make better, more informed decisions to secure their companies’ further growth”,

emphasises Blaževičs.

The CrowdedHero expert pool consists of both local and international professionals with long-term experience in retail, e-commerce, product manufacturing, financial technology, IT&T, the energy sector and other areas.

CrowdedHero is currently offering the opportunity to invest in a rapidly developing Latvian-based e-commerce platform: The GeGe.