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How to invest in real estate for passive income with little money

How to invest in real estate for passive income?

Starting building a real estate investment portfolio is much easier than you think. With Real Estate Crowdfunding you can start investing in real estate from as little as 10 euros, which is hassle-free and you can make up to 15 percent returns.

With crowdfunding you can invest in various real estate types across Europe, rental properties in  Spain, commercial properties in Germany, or residential projects in the UK and it all can be done with a few clicks.

And yes, Crowdfunding is regulated across the EU which makes it even more appealing. 

Let's dive deeper!

How does investing in real estate work with crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding made real estate investing accessible to everyone. 

Crowdfunding is a form of alternative fundraising where instead of going to the bank for money, people and businesses raise funding from the crowd, getting small amounts from many people, in return, the crowd receives returns or shares in the project.

Fundraising is organized through licensed crowdfunding platforms, that evaluate projects and manage all processes!

Learn more about real estate crowdfunding here!

Is investing in real estate via crowdfunding a good idea?

Crowdfunding makes investments in real estate easy. 

Instead of saving thousands of euros and investing everything in one property via a fund or other instrument, you can start investing with crowdfunding with as little as 10 euros. You can try it with a little capital, learn more about it, understand do you like it or not, and then decide if you want to invest a bigger amount.

So if you want to start investing in real estate, you should choose crowdfunding first!

Where to Invest in Real Estate in Europe with real estate crowdfunidng? 

The beauty of Real estate crowdfunidng is that you can easily build a diverse portfolio even with a few thousand euros. There are around 200 real estate crowdfunding platforms in  Europe offering thousands of projects to invest in. 

Currently, the biggest returns are available for projects from Eastern Europe like the Czech Republic, and Baltic countries where you could earn up to 15 percent on your investment, but ofcourse risk is higher. 

And you don't have to browse the internet to find them, on Crowdinform. We have a list of platforms with reviews and we aggregate projects from around 40 platforms, so it becomes even easier for you to invest. 

What you need to know before investing in real estate crowdfunding

Understand location: location is a key driver for real estate price.

Make sure that you are provided with a good property evaluation, ideally from a certified appraisal.

Choose a platform with a good track record and reviews. 

Diversify your investments, both, across platforms and projects.

Always do your research.

Best real estate crowdfunding platforms to invest in Europe 

There are many great real estate crowdfunding platforms in Europe on which you can invest.

One of the biggest platforms offering investments in real estate is Lend from Switzerland with loan application volume exceeding 3 billion CHF, should be mentioned that among real estate platform offering to invest in private and business loans. 

Another large player is Mogelijk from the Netherlands with total funded volumes exceeding 1.5 billion EUR and expected returns are  7.75% but this platform has quite a big minimum investment ticked 20,000 EUR. 

CreditGate24 offers to invest in business and private loans, and real estate starting from 500 CHF. Total volumes have reached more than 1 billion CHF.

In France, there are many large platforms, biggest of them is ClubFunding with a target profitability of 8-12 percent and volumes of more than a billion EUR, and Anaxago with an average return of 9.8 percent and funded volumes of 830 million EUR both platforms are licensed under European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) regulation. 

In Europe are many great platforms worth exploring CrowdProperty from the UK, from Estonia, Tessin from Sweden, and PlanetHome from Germany. 

You can easily find more great European real estate crowdfunding platforms and projects to invest in on Crowdinform. 

We wish you a good day and successful investing!